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Comments & Reviews
Amanda @Dreamsicle Sisters says
These are super cute. I just love Chalkboard paint. And I like the stencil design too. It is so hard to find a good stencil!
Vanessa Brady says
I agree! I’m usually the worst with stencils but this was fun!
Jacque says
Wow, really cool idea!
Vanessa Brady says
Thanks, Jacque!
Tiffany | offbeat + inspired says
What an adorable idea!! I love the colors you used!!
Vanessa Brady says
Aren’t they fun and Spring-y?!
Jessi @ Practically Functional says
So so cute! I painted little chalkboard labels onto the pots I planted my herb garden in last year, but they weren’t nearly as adorable as these birds! Love it!
Vanessa Brady says
The birds may not be as practical for a whole garden but they sure are fun to look at!
Gwen says
Those are great, Vanessa! I love the little birdie…
Vanessa Brady says
Thanks, Gwen!
Carissa Bonham says
These look fabulous! I love the bird stencil and the idea to do a non-traditional label shape in chalkboard paint is brilliant. well done!
Vanessa Brady says
Thanks for visiting, Carissa! The stencil and paints were totally fun and easy to work with!
Laura Beth says
Your planters are beautiful! Love the added affect of the chalkboard paint :o)
Vanessa Brady says
Thanks, I’m usually terrible with paint and stencils but these were easy to work with!
Megan says
Love these! They are so beautiful!
Vanessa Brady says
Thanks, Megan!
Allyson says
Wow, I love how these turned out! Where did you find those adorable stencils? I would love if you would come share this, or another project at my link party today! Hope to see you!
Vanessa Brady says
You can find the Plaid FolkArt stencil in many hobby stores as well as online:
Going to check out your party now!
Little Bit says
These are darling… and what a great idea! I’m pinning too! Little Bit from
Vanessa Brady says
Thanks for the pin!
Linda says
Holy cow those are cute! I have to do this! What a great Spring Break project!
Mary Beth @ Cupcakes and Crinoline says
Oh my goodness I love these ~ I’ll be making some for my garden this summer! Thanks so much for sharing at the It’s a Spring Thing linky party ~ I’m pinning this to our party board.
Have a great week,
Mary Beth
Vanessa Brady says
Thank you so much for the wonderful party!
Lorie says
These are so cute! I’d love to have some in my yard!
Vanessa Brady says
So glad you liked them!
Mimi says
I love these pots! They are adorable!
Vanessa Brady says
Glad you liked them, thanks for visiting!
Lori @ A Bright and Beautiful Life says
Your herb pots are super cute. Did you make your stencil or purchase it? If purchased, where? I really want to make some of these this spring for my herbs. Thank you. Have a great day.
Vanessa Brady says
Thanks, Lori! I actually received the stencil as part of the campaign but you can purchase the Plaid/FolkArt stencils online and at Jo-Anns.
amy @ one artsy mama says
Oh. my. goodness. I am so crazy-jealous of that bird stencil!! These look so fabulous! Pinning, stumbling, and putting that stencil on my must-have list!!
Vanessa Brady says
Your comment made me smile! Glad you liked the project and the stencil so much!
Kalyn Brooke | Creative Savings says
I’m always forgetting what I plant, and this is such a cute way to remember. Next week I’m working on a pot with a chalkboard label as a hostess gift (flowers included, of course). Less messy!
Stopping by from the Spring Linky Party. 🙂
Vanessa Brady says
What a cute idea for a hostess gift!
Patricia Krank says
Oh, so cute! I have those stencils too so I can do this! Thanks for sharing your creativity. Blessings, Patti
Vanessa Brady says
Yay for having the same stencils!
Jill says
as soon as the weather cooperates, this will be a project for me – thanks for the idea
Lauren says
These are so pretty — I love the contrast of the bright pots with the black chalk paint. Very clever idea!
Kelly @ View Along the Way says
Beautiful! what a cool idea. Loving the bird shapes! Thanks for linking this up to Monday Funday! 🙂
Mary Alice Patterson says
Your pots are so cute! Love them!!
Mary Alice
lisa says
Love this idea! I’m a big fan of bird motifs, so this was right up my alley! Hope you can stop by the enchanted oven for a visit.
Tammy says
These are so cute…and what a great tutorial…would love it you came over and shared this cute project at
Hope to see you there!
Anja says
These are so cute – love ’em! Nothing says spring like putting a bird on it, right?
Vanessa Brady says
Hah, no kidding. Spring is here, birds on EVERYTHING! 😀
Robin {Mom Foodie} says
Love the stencils, I’m partial to birds.
katie says
Love this idea!!! So adorable!
Miss Charming says
Super cute and I love the pastels!
Maysem says
I love it!! Adorable idea!
Amy Anderson says
Brilliant! Love the ability to be able to relabel.
Julia @ FaveCrafts says
What a cute project! I love it so much that I decided to feature it in our roundup of garden crafts! Check it out here:
Have a great day!
Vanessa Brady says
Thank you so much, Julia! Quite an honor to be included!
Linda says
This are adorable! Since we just moved into a log home and I’m into birds, I immediately went to the website and ordered the stencil & spouncer. I can buy the other supplies at JoAnn’s. Thanks for the wonderful, fun craft!
Vanessa Brady says
Awh, that makes me so happy! I’d love to see pictures when yours are done!
Linda says
Busy summer! Finally finished 5 of the adorable stenciled pots. Turned out well. Wish I had bought more than one stencil though, as after using it twice the pointed parts tend to curl even after spraying well with adhesive. Maybe from washing off the paint afterwards? Had to touch up a few spots with the colored paint after stenciling. Everyone that sees them loves them! Keep those cute ideas coming!
Vanessa Brady says
Wow, five? You’re a stenciling machine! Good to know about the stencils curling up.
michelec says
Awesome….but wouldn’t water wash the chalk off?
Vanessa Brady says
Hah, I was wondering when someone would mention that! Totally washes off if you just spray the whole thing with a water hose but I usually just use a small watering can and keep the water on top. 🙂
Danielle says
What a great idea! I love how your pots turned out and I especially love the colors you chose for them!
I’m hosting a “Craft With What You’ve Got” party and the featured crafting supply this week is craft paints. This project would fit in perfectly! I’d love for you to link it up here.
Danielle at Framed Frosting
Katie @ Upcycled Treasures says
These are adorable! I just featured them in my chalkboard project roundup 🙂 Have a great weekend!
~Katie @ Upcycled Treasures
Linda says
I do love stenciling. In my old house I had stenciled all different kinds of bird houses on the walls in my foyer. Wish I still had those stencils! I’ve also stenciled different fall leaves in a bathroom. Really easy project anyone can do.
Barbara Leahy says
I like your idea for the stenciled pots with the chalkboard stenciled birds. I am wondering if you could email me and let me know how you wrote the names of the herbs on the birds. The directions go as far as putting the chalk over the paint but not what to use to write or paint the names. thank you so much for all of you help and I love this idea.
Vanessa Brady says
I just used a piece of chalk to write out the words.