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Comments & Reviews
Vanessa says
Oh my goodness! This is perfect. My boyfriend and my mom love Peeps. His kids are going to love it and my Mom is going to out cute her neighbors. Thanks for posting.
bumblev says
Glad I could assist in helping your mom out cute her neighbors! 😀
Polly C says
Hi there! This is the most fantastic idea I’ve ever seen–I’ll be linking to it tomorrow on ReadyMade’s blog! 🙂
bumblev says
Thanks Polly, seeing it on RM made my day!
Alison says
LOVE it – I’d be too tempted to eat it, though 😉
bumblev says
That’s allowed. Aren’t Peeps better kinda dried out anyway?
Rachel says
This is hilariously awesome. I love it. “…let them dry out completely.” I laughed so hard. And it’s so pretty too. Fabulous. I just clicked over from Readymade. i would love to link to this if you didn’t mind.
bumblev says
Of course, Rachel. You’re always more than welcomed to use any of my pictures.
Fox says
That is a total scream! Impaled marshmallow chicks and lace? “Just push the mushy head up and back around”…I’ve been chuckling for the past few minutes about that one! Good job!
bumblev says
Any activity that gets out your aggressions while making a pretty wreath is a good one in my book!
Flickr: ShanaLogic says
you’re a woman after my own heart!
Flickr: ShanaLogic says
PS. can I link to your blog in my blog about this tutorial?? It’s super yummy!
Debra Holcomb says
Thanks for sharing…that is really a cool project.
bumblev says
Glad you liked it Debra!
Flickr: ShanaLogic says
Flickr: bumblev says
of course!
8GR8CATS says
Martha Stewart is going to be so jealous of that crafty craft! SO Cute!!!
bumblev says
lol, a girl can hope, right?
NessaFacee says
This is AWESOME! I work at a Dollar Store and we have oodles of peeps in stock- I am totally making this! So quirky and cute! LOVE IT :O) Thank you for the marvelous idea!
bumblev says
It’d be a shame to have access to so many Peeps and not make a wreath! 😀
NessaFacce says
Hey there!
I finally got to make my wreath and wanted to share the outcome with you!
Thanks again!
I have gotten so many compliments on it! :O)
Sheila says
I’d love to post this link if I may? The post and the wreath itself are just adorable.
bumblev says
Of course you may! Glad you liked the wreath.
Genevieve (MamaOnABudget) says
A few of my friends have sent this link because of my known love (um… craziness?) for Peeps. If you need to glue the peeps on, make a paste of powdered sugar and water instead of Elmers. That way they’re still edible =)
Sarah says
I’m going to make this soon! My kids will love it! My son (19m) is definitely going to try to eat it! LOL
bumblev says
Hope it turned out well!
StePh says
Do you spray this with something to keep bugs away?
bumblev says
I’ve never had a problem with bugs being attracted to my wreath but you could always spray it with clear varnish if you’re worried.
Jackie says
Thank you for answering this question …. I was wondering too!!
Lori Craig says
Darling! Might have to try this with my girls!
Thanks for the super sweet idea, Sarah! Hugs!
bumblev says
Hope they enjoy making it!
Christine @ Pure Joy Events says
I’m doing a month long series on Easter/Spring party tutorials and would love to feature your tutorial on
bumblev says
I’d love to be included, Christine. Thanks!
Nicole says
Hi there! I loved your idea so much, I HAD to make one of these amazing wreaths. Thank you so much! My girls and I are super crazy in love with it!
Here’s the link:
Thanks again, so much! You’re super!
bumblev says
I love how much you love your Peep wreath! Thanks for the mention on your blog.
Melissa says
I love this. What a fun idea. Think I may have to go out and buy some peeps and a wreath today!
Colleen says
Thank you so much for this! Here’s my version of the PEEP WREATH:
I never make crafts (never) so I am pretty proud. Thanks again!
Lei says
OMG this is wonderful! I’m going to try to make one to decorate in my craft fair booths. It’s so pretty and funny all at the same time!
Sharon says
I made two Peep wreaths over the weekend. I made one for my adult daughter who loves Peeps, and the other for my friend and former Girl Scout coleader who loves anything Peeps. The friend is the person who instilled the love of Peeps into my daughter! Daughter went crazy over it, and Friend will get hers in a day or two. I can’t wait to hear/see her reaction. Thanks for the great idea!
Lesley Litrento says
I showed an image and mentioned your Peeps Wreath on my blog today. It just tickled me and I had to share.
Peramink to the posting is:
Thanks for sharing! Lesley
Jo says
How long would this wreath last? Is there a way to preserve it so it can be stored and reused? I’m afraid of bugs or ants getting into it because of the sweetness.
bumblev says
I’ve never had trouble with bugs but you could always spray it with a coat of clear sealer.
molly says
I had my peep wreath hanging on my front door and it got wet. It started to drip colored sugar. Any ideas on how to prevent the stickiness?
bumblev says
We don’t get much rain in Spring in El Paso (or ever for that matter!) but you could probably do a couple of coats of clear sealant.
Jenn says
This is super cute and I cannot wait to make one for my Mom, Mother-In-Law and myself tonight. I do have a question…did you put this on your outside door?? Will the sun melt it at all?? I’m thinking about spraying them with Clear Acrylic spray or Polyurethane spray. Any advice? Thank you so much for posting 🙂
bumblev says
Hmm, it gets pretty warm here in El Paso, Texas and I’ve never had a problem with them melting but my door isn’t in the direct sun. Please let me know if you find out!
Jenn says
I’m waiting for the peeps to come out this season and I will let you know. 🙂 I cannot wait to make this wreath!!!
Joyce says
This is adorable,I love it. I’m going to make one for my home and also one for my granddaughter in Mo. I’m just hoping that my dogs do not decide to eat my wreath.LOLThanks so much
bumblev says
Hah, I hope so too! Glad you liked the wreath!
Ashley says
I got to the stuff to make the peep it like would be fun to make I let you know how it come out
Cheryl B. says
I pinned your wreath onto a Pinterest board, then I made your wreath for a friend. Now I’ve blogged about it. You can see the posting here –>
Linda says
Hi! Just wanted to let you know that I included your Awesome Tutorial in my post “Lovin’ Our Peeps” over at Love your Peep Wreaths!
bumblev says
Thanks for including the Peep Wreath tutorial! Your list is making me want to go buy more Peeps to make some of the other crafts. 🙂
Payton says
Do they dry up and fall apart? You don’t do anything to them?
bumblev says
I haven’t had to do anything to them but a number of peeps (hah!) have mentioned adding a clear sealer.
Kay Sundquist says
I’ve not tried your peeps wreath yet, but deffinately will. Its so colorful and inviting. I know the grand kids will enjoy this one. Next yr will have to help them with one.
Thanks you for sharing….
Kristen says
I made your peep wreath last night and it looks GREAT! We try to balance the spiritual and the silly side of Easter and this was just the thing. If you look closely, two of our peeps have small 2-year-old-size bites out of them…too precious not to include!
Janel from NellieBellie says
Yum!! I want to eat this, not going to lie! It looks adorable! Pinning!
Vanessa Brady says
We’re not really fans of Peeps so it stays pretty intact the whole season. Now if it was a wreath made out of french fries… 😀
Jocie@OPC The Better Half says
Love it! I think my girls would attack it, or maybe I would….lol!
Vanessa Brady says
Hah, someone else commented that they made a peep wreath with two little bite marks missing thanks to their kids. Too cute!
Jocie@OPC The Better Half says
Thanks so much for linking this up Vanessa!
Vanessa Brady says
No, thank YOU!
Jeni says
So cute! I love the bright colors!
Jacque @theDIYvillage says
I love this, by far the best use of PEEPS for me esp. since I don’t like to eat them!
Kelly @ View Along the Way says
This is so dang charming and sweet! I’m sharing it on my blog facebook page tonight! It wouldn’t let me tag you for some reason… but it’ll be there. 🙂
Jen @ Four Marrs & One Venus says
One Peep for the Wreath and One in my mouth! Not sure how full my wreath will be! 🙂
Michelle@yagottahaveahobby says
I can’t wait to make one of these! I’ve been waiting until March to start my spring crafts–its almost here! This is the cutest spring wreath; I just love it!
Vanessa Brady says
Nothing says “spring” like a peep-impaled wreath, huh? 😀
Sarah says
I’m sending this to my mum. She’s always said peeps are the taste of evil but I don’t think she’ll be able to deny how cute these are 😛
I’m making one of these if I can get my hands on some peeps over in Oz.
Vanessa Brady says
Hah, I’m not a big fan of Peeps either but they sure do look cute on a wreath!
Laura says
Crafting with peeps. Love it. I hope you don’t get ants!
SusieQTpies says
Love this X1,000 peeps! lol Just found this and gave you a pin on Pinterest in my PEEPS board! I’m following you on Pinterest, too! Have a super day!
Sarah says
I just finished my peeps wreath and I love it. I added Easter grass to the spot that were empty. It is so cute. Thanks for the tutorial 🙂
Vanessa Brady says
I love the idea of adding the grass! Glad you liked the tutorial!
Angie @CCC says
Love the colorful version!
Chris says
Hi there~
Loving your blog! I wanted to stop by and thank you for this tutorial…. I made wreaths as well, based on your post…..I saw you featured at Southern BLue…here is my post, which describes the wreaths we made, with your inspiration.
Thank you again…Nice to “meet” you!
Jackye says
My grandmother LOVED Peeps. I’m making one for her resting sight. I’m hoping to make for myself and daughter too. Sooooo adorable!
Thank you!!
Vanessa Brady says
Such a lovely thought, thanks for sharing!