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Comments & Reviews
Stephanie says
This is awesome. I have actually had the oil pan idea pinned for while now. I really want to do this. And can I just say I love the pez collection…A-MAZING!
Meghan says
I don’t have kids, but I’m wondering if I can work this type of project into a space in my house. I love the concept
Randi says
Oh My Pez! What an amazing collection you have!
I love the board, I also went out and bought a oil pan when I first saw it on Pinterest. I really like how you use yours! I added the two accessories to my Amazon wishlist too so that I can complete mine! It will be a perfect addition as I am going to be setting my son up to work with it and various other activities with it soon!
Great job on the labels too, I really like what you did!
Rachel @ Architecture of a Mom says
Ha! I guess great minds think alike! I even used the some same color buckets from Target! The only difference was I put mine on a shelf. Love the drawing board!
Vanessa Brady says
Hah, we’re totally on the same page! What would we do without Target? 😀
Angela @Little Blue's Room says
Look at all the Pez!!! Okay, I had to say that first – LOL! I LOVE the wall and I especially love the drawing that your son made. As a preschool teacher, I love it when children are given an opportunity to be creative at home. I can always tell the kids in my class who don’t get enough of that at home. This is an awesome space! So how long did it take you to collect all the Pez???
Vanessa Brady says
I love you for noticing my son’s drawing! As for the Pez, my husband and I use to actively collect them before we had kids but when we moved to another house they were put in a box and promptly forgotten. We just recently put them back up and they made their grand debut on this post!
Pam - GetSilvered says
This is amazing. I have to admit that I was a little distracted by the Pez too, which are also amazing! The Art space is wonderful. I love that you have pulled all these unrelated items together to look like they are all meant to be!
Vanessa Brady says
Hah, it’s kinda hard not to be distracted with that many Pez! Thanks for you sweet comment!
Jessi @ Practically Functional says
Oh wow, I love that whole space! And you have a ton of Pez guys, how fun! I really like the buckets on the wall for markers, that’s totally perfect! Pinning!
Vanessa Brady says
Thanks, Jessi! We actively collected them for a long time before the kids came and are just now getting around to putting them up. Kinda gave us the bug to collect more!
Gwen says
Oh my goodness.. I’m totally dying over those PEZ dispensers!!! What a cute space!
Vanessa Brady says
Hah, thanks, Gwen! You think all those crazy Pez are BOLD enough?! 😀
keri @ shaken together says
Oh, my boys would have LOVED this when they were younger! What great, simple to implement ideas for a fantastically creative space!
Vanessa Brady says
Thanks, Keri! I’m hoping to ward off any “spontaneous artworks” on the real walls! 😀
Glenna Anderson says
This is fabulous! What a great way to encourage creativity in our kids.
Vanessa Brady says
Thanks, Glenna!
Kristy gd says
What a great project! You took some really unconventional (to me) pieces and turned them into a great little art center, and I absolutely love that you shared your son’s artwork with us!
Vanessa Brady says
Awh, I was so proud of his drawing! Thanks for visiting!
Tanya says
Oh wow!! I ALWAYS leave your blog so inspired and this time is no different. I too, have those buckets (only two…wish I would have gotten more as well) I LOOOOOVE your PEZ collection. This is perfect for your little ones!! Job well done!
Vanessa Brady says
Awh, thanks for such a nice comment! Let’s both cross our fingers that Target brings them back!
Sharon Rexroad's Bringing Creativity to Life says
Vanessa — what a place for inspiration! I’m sure those boys of yours enjoy it (and what a cutie in the pics, too).
Vanessa Brady says
Thanks, Sharon!
Suzanne says
Super use of materials. I guess I missed the oil pan explosion but now I’m tempted to search on pinterest. I also enjoyed the peek at the pez lineup.
Vanessa Brady says
Hah, “Oil Pan Explosion” probably has a totally different meaning to a mechanic! 😀 Thanks for visiting!
Camila says
Awesome ideas!!! I need to make something like this for my girl, she loves to use marker and crayons but I’m still trying to make her understand that the whole house is not a huge paper LOL. This could be a great help on that mission! great share
Vanessa Brady says
Hah, we’ve had our fair share of spontaneous art making! 😀
Brenna @ Life After Laundry says
Wow! What a great project. The art space looks awesome!
Jessica says
umm… first… love the Pez awesomeness that’s going on! What a great way to display them! Second, I seriously want to make that art center. What a great idea!
Vanessa Brady says
Thanks! You know what’s really going to be awesome? When one of them falls to the side and the whole thing goes down like dominoes! 😀
Monica says
How do you keep your pez from diving to their deaths? We have a similar collection in storage because we can’t find a good way to display them.
Vanessa Brady says
We’ve only had them up for a while but haven’t had any suicides yet! You could always put a little bit of poster gum under each one if it becomes a problem.
Michelle says
This is such a great idea. Also I am absolutely obsessed with your Pez collection and display. Have to share with my brother and his girlfriend they also have a large collection.
Krista says
My son would die over this art space! Hopefully one day I can create something like this for him! Thanks for sharing… looks amazing!
Janice @ NearlyHandmade says
You might be the coolest parent, ever! I love that art station! Your kiddos must have such a great imagination and creative streak because of what you are able to give them. I’d really like to do something like this for my little ones in a few years (when they’re past the eating the markers phase ;))
Emily says
This is a great kids’ art station, and I love the Pez dispensers! 🙂
BreeAnna McManus says
the no baseboard gives the wall a much cleaner look. I like it.