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Comments & Reviews
Kathleen Weaver says
What fun and what great products! I’m a former basket weaver……now branching out to other crafts!
crouchingcheese says
I would have to say that my absolute favorite craft is knitting, and my favorite hobby is dog training! I do really love crocheting and cardmaking though, I’m pretty multi-craftual 🙂
The Constant Rambler (@laurenrambles) says
This looks like a fun giveaway. i could do all kinds of projects if i won 🙂
Tracy L says
I like making cards or gift containers
Susan B says
My favorite craft is scrapbooking followed closely by card making!
trisha kilpatrick says
Gardening is my favorite hobby. I especially love my flowers.
eveofreduction says
my favorite craft is cross stitch!
Charity G. says
Picking a favorite craft or hobby is so hard. Lately I’d say it’s been sewing but I’m starting to get excited for paper crafting again.
vaper says
Oh goodness, I can’t pick just one favorite craft! Lately I’ve been most into making leather bracelets and crocheting, but it changes so much and I abandon my current obsession for something else!
Jessica P. says
I love any craft that involves typography.
Charity Cram says
Scrapbooking is my favorite craft…Photography is my favorite hobby.
Megan Smith says
I have recently been teaching myself to sew and am really liking the wide range of things I can make 🙂
Amanda Buccieri says
I love to make DIY projects for my kid’s rooms 🙂
Karen says
I can cross stitch, but I need to atart scrapbooking my daughter’s childhood! Lol
Karen says
*start! Lol
Joselyn T says
Scrapbooking or Photography. Hard to choose just one!
Cyndee says
This is an awesome give-away! Nice items!
latanya t says
I like baking for my family
auntiepatch69 says
Right now I’m quilting.
Zara says
Scrapbooking is my favorite!
Kimberly says
I can’t sew, so I like any craft that involves painting or Mod Podge. 🙂
Ashley @ 3 Little Greenwoods says
I love every kind of crafting! Except sewing. I’m afraid of my sewing machine! 😉
Jamie Taylor says
I need to find my crafty side again. My craft box is looking sad. Haha
Deidre Hopkins says
I love giving furniture a facelift and repurposing.
lesley says
this week it is foiling with the heidi swapp minc i got last week….obsessed!!
Eleni says
I have many, painting and knitting are in the lead.
Eleni says
Oh and wrapping gifts in interesting ways!
Wehaf says
Definitely crocheting!
Charlise says
My favorite hobby is scrapbooking. I also enjoy cross-stitch.
shirley says
I like all kinds of craft projects.
Miss Sam Nicholson says
My favorite hobby, too many to count!! Quilting, crocheting, gardening, reading, painting, drawing, designing my own quilts!!
Amy C. says
I love papercrafting and baking. Thanks for the fabulous giveaway!
Ashley R says
I like making decorations and seasonal things. Or anything cheap. I also like to craft for my 18 month old.
Diane @ Vintage Zest says
I’m not sure… Sometimes it’s sewing, but I’ve been sharing a lot of woodworking on my blog lately!
Aliza Biorn says
It’s so hard to pick just one! I think right now I like decorating wood picture frames and wooden letters the best. Next week…..well, it might change. =)
Julie M says
I love sewing and baking!
Holly E says
I love scrapbooking.
jessibethviera says
I love Sewing!
Debbie says
I love sewing and paper crafts.
Lecy says
I love making jewelry. Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
Melissa says
Right now I’m learning to crochet!!
Lauren says
I like to sew.
LaVonne Long says
I’d love to sew more. I also like to crochet.
Katy Glynn says
I love to paint!
Susan DeVaux says
beverly e says
My favorite craft is making signs and personalizing items for gifts!
Grace says
I love to paint and do this often with my son .. thanks for the chance.
ColleenB. says
card making along with making wreaths
Very useful items in your basket.
Thank you for this great giveaway opportunity
Stephanie says
fun little papercrafts – has to be quick and easy!
Melissa Mariott says
My favorite thing is to sew. I also make hair bows
Patti says
I love to sew! I’m just getting interested in embroidery and cross stitch (again!).
Lisa Williams says
Painting on canvas
Deja says
I do a bit of everything, but scrapbooking is my favorite.
covertocoverchick says
I love making my hair bows!!
Kelly says
I love any type of paper craft.
Sarah Hall says
Gardening is my favorite hobby as I love watching things grow from little seeds to big veggies or flowers.
Michaela says
Sewing for my daughter
shanna Uptergrove says
I love to draw!!! And hobbies- just spending time with the kids, taking vacations etc!
Jaque R. says
I make jewelry…just for fun. 🙂 Thank you.
Shauna841505 says
My favorite crafts change monthly!! Right now I’m into felt. Felt animals, felt coasters, felt everything! Overall my favorite things to make are holiday related! 🙂
Heidi Robbins says
Photography and scrapbooking!
Sydney says
I don’t really have one particular hobby I focus on in terms of crafts, but my next 2 projects are to re-cover our kitchen chairs and to make some tile decorations to hang above the fireplace.
Laura H says
kathy b says
I like to crochet and we do all kind sof crafts with my daughters Girl Scout Troop
fetosoap says
My current favorite craft is vinyling all the things! (using my Silhouette Cameo to cut out the vinyl, of course!)
dailydealsjc1 says
I love painting!
Lisa L. says
Painting, jewelry making and other crafty ideas I am wanting to try.
Rebecca b says
I love to try new things. I will never be outstanding at anything since I’m always attempting a new craft.
Linda K says
Thanks for the giveaway.
Kimberly O says
I like making jewelry. Thanks!
April says
I love scrapbooking!!
crystal gibson says
I am a craft junkie. I love to scrapbook, make burlap home décor, wreaths and sponge painting.
Dawn Monroe says
I like making personalized items for my grand kids.
Heather in VA says
I love to read and sew. Yesterday I finished half a book and sewed a raincoat for my daughter.
Alison Tolar says
I enjoy scrapbooking and sewing. I’m not very good at sewing yet, but I’m working on improving.
Rhonda says
I love paper crafts and needle crafts ! I found you through Nalle’s House. I love the items in your giveaway basket!
Pat Bauer says
LOVE Consumer Crafts. I do a LOT of crafting with the kiddos. I love ALL Crafts. My latest passion involves all things paper/cards.
Nicki C. says
I mainly do knitting and crochetting but I also like quilting and scrapbooking.
Denise Welch says
I like to crochet making a blanket right now.
Jules McNubbin says
i love knitting, crocheting, weaving 🙂 basically anything with YARN!
McKim says
I like scrapbooking
Ann Fantom says
I like to scrapbook
carol says
I am a very big scrapper and card maker.
Debra S says
My favorite craft is sewing. Sewing clothes and I plan on a quilt now.
Danielle G says
I love making invitations!
Gennie Shively says
I love crafting with felt
kimberly bhatti says
I love to sew and also do photography.
Natalie says
I love to draw people and animals with pencil!
Betty says
These crafts would be such a help for my wedding.
Tania says
I like to make scrapbook pages and love photography.
Judy Allen says
I love to make greeting cards for all occasions and holidays and send them to my friends and family members. The giveaway would be a great bonus to my stash of supplies.
Lisa B says
Oh it is so hard to decide. But I think it would be making Christmas items!
Brianna Johnson says
I love all crafting, scrapbooking, sewing, etc. but my favorite is anything I can do with my kids! They love to craft too!
racsay says
Painting is my favorite craft
ov099 says
I like simple things, paper, construction paper, felt… for as much as I’d like to do really fun looking things, I have so little talent at it… but yet, I try. LOL
Lois M.
Sara M says
I love cooking & baking home made things from scratch then giving them as gifts in cute little jars, containers or baskets that I decorate.
Melissa Shirley says
I love to make my own decorations like wreaths and stuff for the seasons and holidays.
Allyson says
I love to cross stitch. I am trying to teach myself how to crochet so maybe that will be my new favorite. But I love doing any kind of craft when I am doing it with the kids. It is so much funner when they are involved.
Chrystal D says
I LOVE cooking, it relaxes me & lets me be creative! I’d have to say counted cross stitch is my favorite craft to do.
Diana Stanhope says
My favorite hobby is crochet.
Tracy Jones says
Me and my daughter like scrapbooking.
shaunie says
My favorite craft is making cards and tags for all occassions
ewhatley says
Scrapbooking and custom recipe cards
lab1990 says
I really like to scrapbook and make things with paper. I don’t really have a set favorite though. I love all types of DIY.
lauren51990 AT aol DOT com
Carrie says
I love to bake
Debbie Warila says
My favorites are pastels and watercolors, although I’m going to try my hand at oil painting in the near future. I also love needlepoint — it relaxes me right into an alpha state of mind.
Carol says
I like making cards
Sharyl Wolter says
Melting and crafting with pony beads.
Teri Boat says
I love almost all craft hobbies. I do decorative painting, face painting, paper crafting, cermaics, sewing, woodworking, and recently cricut crafting :- Love al the items in the basket!!
shellrae58 says
I love to use fabrics in unique ways
Trulie says
I love to create things with my silhouette. Just about any excuse to pull it out and design a little something is fine with me. 🙂
Jeffrey says
My favorite hobby is coin collecting.
Sarah Cool says
My current favorite craft is gluing rhinestones onto things like lip balms, hair brushes etc to bling them out 🙂
Dezi A says
Love trying all kinds of crafting but my favorite is painting wood!
Rhonda says
I love scrapbooking and doing other small crafts. I love to make jewelry as well.
Holly @ Woman Tribune says
My favorite hobby, during the spring anyway, is gardening and getting everything ready for summer. I love decorating our planters, stepping stones, and anything for our outdoor decor.
jose benavides says
I love to make necklaces.
jeani b says
my favorite craft is papercrafting.
Carolsue says
Crocheting is my favorite hobby
greg says
My favorite hobby is reading, my wife loves scrap booking, so this would be perfect for her!
Wendy N says
I love painting…anything!!
ellen casper says
Sewing is my favorite.
Alina Conn says
Favorite hobby is knitting. I’m actually in a monthly knitting club!
amy tolley says
it would have to be scrapbooking i have much fun and excitment waiting to see the finished product and there so much you can do with scrapbooking
Lisa says
I just love your ideas! i find crafting is my escape… it’s like therapy. Thanks for a chance at the gieaway.
Sean says
Favorite hobby is to crotchet.
sandra says
I love needle point
nothing really fancy what ever me and my toddler do is great i like to make little things here and there
Amanda Morris says
Reading and Painting 🙂
Bridgett Wilbur says
I just love making jewelry but I do a lot of other crafting also.
Holly Weinkam says
I have done so many crafts over the years it would take me to long to list.
missy says
sewing, gardening
Crystal F says
It would have to be cards. Thank you!!
melikegarfield says
My favorite hobby is reading ( I have a long list on my bucket list) or oil painting.
Amanda says
Right now I love to sew! Thanks for givewaway
Jennifer Dunaway says
I love to knit and spin yarn. It’s what I do most of the day.
Vivian says
I like trying all kinds of crafts. Currently I am learning to craft with my Silhouette machine and making jewelry.
Debi M says
I love painting furniture and decorating for parties.
Steph @ Crafting in the Rain says
I love working with paper!
Michelle C says
I love baking and photography!
Rachel W says
Baking and cooking are my hobbies!
Linda Madden says
I love to crochet. Especially now because my daughter just had a baby.
Anita Carol Gambrell says
I love all crafts. Woodworking is one of my favorites now and at this time I am learning quilting. Next up will be bead working !
Monica P says
I love to sew!
2readbook says
Scrapbooking, no wait making decorative boxes, no painting, no wait reading, ahh…. any crafting .
HilLesha says
My favorite hobby is photography.
Karen Robertson Propes says
Quilting is my favorite, but I do all kinds of crafts.
[email protected]
Alison Gibb says
I love jewelry making and scrapbook and card designing!!
Deb C says
My favorites are sewing, quilting and collage work.
sharonc says
I enjoy stitchery.
Jill says
I love using my silhouette to do paper crafts.
leslie p says
Crafts, scrap booking & taking pics.
Shay says
Crafting, photography, painting, and sculpting!!
Rosanne says
I’m not a crafter-my daughter in law is and she and her teacher friends like to do projects on Pinterest especially those with photos of their children.
Laurie says
Like to cross-stitch & crochet
karen says
I love making my own cards using rubber stamps
Devin kalisz says
Picture taking and scrapbooking all of my kids memories. Thanks for opportunity 🙂
Angela Newsome says
allisondownes says
Baking and Scrap booking!
Thanks for the chance to win this
nioki77 says
I love painting, photography, and jewelry making!
Sonya says
I love all sorts of crafts! I tend to make gifts the most.
I enjoy sewing & making wristlets..
marie yoon says
mu hobby makeing earrings
Sarah Oswald says
My favorite craft is making jewelry but I love doing other crafts too.
Kortney Lah says
Wreath making!! I love me some wreath making!
Theresa D says
I love scrapbooking, making cards and really any kind of paper craft.
Linda says
Angela Cash says
Fiber art and working with textiles are my current favorite craft activities. My last couple of pieces were “extreme” knitted projects. I love experimenting to create modern art by modifying traditional techniques.
Lesley F says
I love making cards
melanie h says
I love to scrapbook!
Michelle A says
I love anything to do with homemaking, but I’m really digging cooking right now:)
Candie L says
I like to scrapbook. Thank you
silverlys says
I love scrapbooking and I’m learning about photography.
Kelly B. says
I love to make homemade cards, scrapbook, make door wreaths and also do furniture makeovers with chalk paint!
Jan says
My very favorite hobby is baking!
liz (@llew415) says
Making jewelry for me
Anita k says
My father in law gave me the love of all things plant’s.thanks so very much for sharing.
April F says
My favorite craft is making party decorations.
Stephanie Larison says
My favorite hobby is scrapbooking.
Cheryl says
I enjoy rug making.
Carolyn Daley says
My favorite craft is making things with plastic canvas and yarn.
Rose Santuci-Sofranko says
I love to do paper crafts like Origami, paper cutting, paper flower making, etc. Thanks and God bless! ILuvTheEucharist @
Carolann Leibenguth says
I love all crafts but I really want to try doing more tile mosaics.
Lowanda J says
I love to paint!
Adelina Priddis says
I love sewing – mostly cross stitch. And baking. I love baking up cute goodies.
Jesselyn A/Jesstinger says
Actually, I have quite a few hobbies and an overabundance of creative energy that drives me! I love to make collages, gift baskets, cook (food must be beautiful AND delicious!, write, decorate and redecorate, make cards, dabble in painting. upcycling all kinds of things! Thank you for the generous and thoughtful giveaway!
Jodi Kershuk says
I love sewing clothes for my daughter.
laurie murley says
I love to sew on my machine
Patricia C. says
I like paper crafting and making beauty products like bath bombs and soap.
rosemary says
Melissa Mazzur says
My favorite craft and hobby is scrapbooking!
Laura P. says
I really like making jewelry with papercraft being a very close second.
sandier says
I love to scrapbook!!
Sharon Kaminski says
My favorite craft or hobby is sewing.
Hillary H. says
I love to bake!
Angela P. says
I love to sew.. and I also enjoy making jewelry and working with mixed media.
Tina Reynolds says
I love scrapbooking
Bridgett Wilbur says
One of my favorite hobbys is jewelry making , it makes me relax.
Jaimie says
I love all crafting! Thanks for the opportunity!
Alexia Misso says
My favorite craft/hobby is all sort of paper crafting, such as card making, scrapbooking, mixed media arts, altered arts, etc! Thanks for the chance for winning these fabulous prize!
Crystal mexico says
I love polymer clay! It’s my favorite hobby for sure! (Couldn’t find
Sara says
Scrapbooking and card making!
Amanda Roberts says
I like pretty much anything crafty but sewing/quilting and working with craft paints and glitter are my favorites!!! What a nice giveaway- Thanks for the opportunity!! 🙂
Richard Hicks says
I enjoy doing sand art in my spare time
Crystal mexico says
Not sure if my comment went through or not *(bad connection). I love doing polymer clay, favorite hobby for sure!
robyn donnelly says
I love anything pretty in the arts or crafting. It doesn’t matter what it is.
tisa | Just My Little Mess says
I love anything paper! All paper crafts!
Hannah Ross says
I really enjoy photography.
Jennifer Shelton says
Oh my goodness I love any craft!!! Tutus! Painting! Sewing! ANY of it 🙂
lisascreativeniche says
woo hoo!!! I love paper crafting of all kind!
Mackenzie Welker says
I love crafting things for my home (decor) or for my little girl to use/wear/play with.
Birdiebee says
I love to paint on glass.
Laurie Emerson says
I have several favorite craftings and hobbies. I love to make cards, quilts, doll houses, painting, sewing, jewelry and pillows.
joni says
I like oil painting.
bonnijeanmarley says
This is a very nice prize.
bonnijeanmarley says
Right now my favorite hobbies are sewing and crocheting.
Beverly Metcalf says
I love knitting and sewing. Thanks for having this contest!
sue aufderheide says
love cooking, and giveaways
laborders2000 says
I enjoy scrapbooking and sewing.
Mandee says
I love card making
syeda says
My favorite craft is paper crafts, decoupage and mixed-media. thank you!!!
Starla B says
So many great baskets. What an awesome concept! One of my favorite crafts is painting!
Wendi Watson says
making up gift baskets i love it
jmesparza821 says
I like making bracelets.
Juana Esparza
Darcy Hoskins says
I LOVE scrapbooking!
Chantelle Walker says
I love making a new scrap book for every trip we take 🙂
Jaclyn Wurtz says
My favorite craft is card making. I do a lot of my shopping from consumer crafts and found the link to your giveaway on their Facebook page.
Stephanie O'Day says
I love latch-hook!!
Tara L says
Well I wish I knew how to sew, but I don’t so my favorite hobby would probably be shopping and I love scrap-booking (:
Heidi Salisbury says
I really enjoy reading and occasionally doing puzzles.
Tish W. says
My favorite hobby would be using my Silhouette.
Brooke says
Scrapbooking and cardmaking are my favorites!
Diana Cote says
I love to bake and cook a lot but that probably does not count, I love draw & do crafts with my daughter, it’s so much fun that we can make something together. usually its holiday or occasion related but sometimes its for educational fun. 🙂
Samantha says
I like scrapbooking, but I swear I have at least 1 accessory for any type of crafting. 🙂
amy deeter says
my favorite hobby is enter contests online for the past 15 years
Michelle Tucker says
I like to make cards. 🙂
Karen O says
My favorite craft is drawing and watercolors.
Laurie Nykaza says
I love to do scrap-booking and making gift cards too.
willitara says
I enjoy knitting, crocheting and sewing, especially making quilts. There are many others that I do occasionally but those three are the ones I always go back to.
AEKZ2 says
My daughter and I like to make bead necklaces.
Kristin says
My favorite craft would be drawing, coloring, decorating