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Comments & Reviews
Jessi @ Practically Functional says
That’s awesome! I love how inexpensive that is, especially if you use a lot of it! And I love Dr. Bronner’s too, but I agree the mint is a bit too harsh. 🙂 I really like the lavender scent.
keri @ shaken together says
I can’t wait to give this a try … I love to make homemade body products! Pinned for my next day off 🙂
Jocie@OPC The Better Half says
girl – looks so amazing!!! already pinned to an amazing group board! 🙂
Gwen says
That sounds amazing! We need to get a little better about using more natural products. Making them would certainly cut down on the cost…
martha says
I made my bodywash with a french lavanders soap and of course I added fresh lavander flowers and it is AMAZING! !!!!!
Vanessa Brady says
That sounds amazing!
Fizz says
Any substitute for the castile soap since its not available where I live
Christine at First Home...Love Life says
I can’t wait to try this out! I’d love for you to come link up this and some of your other projects at my new party!
Cc says
Can u use Kirk’s Castile soap instead
of dr Bronners
Vanessa Brady says
Melissa says
The kirk’s soap is 4 oz. and Dr. Bronner’s is 8 oz. Do you use two bars of Kirk’s or is one ok?
Lori Campbell says
Thank you do much. This will make awesome presents. Thanks again. Lori
Lorraine says
Dr Bronners is 5 oz, Kirks is 4oz – maybe use less water … if 5oz soap needs 12 cups of water, then it works out at 2.4 cups of water to 1 oz of soap … so Kirks needs 9.6 cups of water to 1 bar of soap I’d imagine.
Lorraine says
Dr Bronners is 5oz, Kirks is 4oz. So 12 cups water per 5oz soap = 2.4 cups of water per 1oz of soap = 9.6 cups water for 1 4oz bar of Kirks soap, I’d imagine. Thats what I am going to try anyways 🙂
Lorraine says
Oops! It didnt post 1st time lol – or so I thought … I wont be offended if one of my comments get deleted 😀
Silvia Pryor says
Awww, wish I had read this part before making my wash last night. I was wondering why mine is so watery. What can I do to fix it? Any thoughts?
Sue says
Have to try this one. Always looking for cheap alternatives to the stuff we use everyday. Thanks.
Vanessa Brady says
It’s nice when you can find something that’s cheaper and more natural than most store bought options!
Bridget says
Love the post, I was wondering if you are using just one bar of grated soap? I love making anything I can by hand. I can’t wait to try it.
Thanks for the info.
Vanessa Brady says
Yup, I used one bar.
Lucy Pumkinjack says
I tried this and there seems to be a step missing. Mine did not make even one quart of body wash. was there supposed to be additional water added? If so, shouldn’t you say so in the instructions?
Vanessa Brady says
Hmm, did you add the 12 cups of water?
Ruth says
Definitely need to try this. How thick is this? I’ve seen other recipes that don’t dilute with as much water and was wondering if you like the thickness. Thanks a bunch!
Vanessa Brady says
It’s pretty thin (which we’re use to after using Dr. Bronner’s liquid soap) but you can thicken it with just a little bit more glycerin. Don’t add too much, though, it’ll turn out like jelly! 😀
Kristy says
So mine is clear, not white like your picture, and water thin — even with a total of 10 Tbs of glycerin. Is there any hope of thickening???? Thanks for your help!
Vanessa Brady says
Whoa, that’s a lot of glycerin! Try putting the whole thing in the fridge for a day and see if that helps the glycerin set. I should warn you, though, with that much glycerin, you might end up with a ball of soap jelly! Keep me updated, we’ll figure this out! 🙂
VE says
Tried this last night and mine is also water thin and clear…pretty yuck. I’ll put it in the fridge. Are there different types of glycerin? The glycerin I you’d was clear, Vegetable Glycerin (VG) – Food grade. Can’t buy the one you linked to as they don’t ship to Australia.
Ashley Winnop says
Is it ok to skip the glycerin?
Sheri says
Where can you purchase Dr Bronners soap?
Vanessa Brady says
You can get Dr. Bronner’s at all health food stores as well as Walgreens or Target.
Patricia says
I’ll try Walgreens. I got it at our local health food store, and it was pretty expensive. I’ve never used it straight. Is it concentrated or can you use it straight out of the bottle?
Melony says
Could you create your own scents with the soaps by using 1/2 a bar of Almond and 1/2 a bar of Rose?
Vanessa Brady says
I don’t see why not. That combo sounds lovely!
Karla says
Looks easy enough. I tried a similar recipe a while back and it never got really smooth, stayed kinda lumpy so the soap dispenser would clog up. I was so diappointed! How does yours fare after it’s been sitting?
Vanessa Brady says
I can see where it would clog up a soap dispenser. We just scoop some out of a mason jar in our shower!
Grace says
I haven’t had this clog a soap dispenser yet and I’ve been using it a few months for hand soap! For body soap I used an old, glass dressing bottle since it has a little spout… I found that worked really well to dispense it! 🙂
Beach Gypsy says
I know this is an old comment but it may help someone else. Try using an old dish soap squirt bottle or just a cheap squirt bottle from the dollar store or other store. Squirt bottles work great when things turn out jelly or thicker than expected. Make sure its a squirt bottle and not a spray bottle as you need a big opening.
Pam Dotson says
When you turn off the stove and add the glycerin and cover is the pot left on the stove? I say yes like boiled eggs a friend says no.
Vanessa Brady says
Yup, I just turned off the heat, added the glycerine and left it there to work it’s magic!
Torte says
Why is mine clear?
Vanessa Brady says
I’m not sure. What type of soap did you use?
Kate says
Did you use distilled water? I did. Mine was also still clear and the same consistency as water when I left for work this morning. I’ll check again when I get home but the water is the only thing I can think of that I accidentally did differently…
bluey says
I made this and it did not work at all!!!! It is just soapy runny water.
Vanessa Brady says
Oh no! That makes me sad. Did you let it sit for at least 24 hrs? I’m really curious why it didn’t work!
bluey says
I sure did let it sit for 24 hours. It is still sitting there in its water form.
Vanessa Brady says
I haven’t forgot about you! Have you thrown it all away yet? Try putting it in the fridge for a day or so and see if that helps.
Karmin says
Hey I’ve just attempted this – was wondering if it’s suppose to be a yellowy-clear liquid before setting? Thanks heaps for sharing!
Vanessa Brady says
Mine was more of a cloudy white but I’m beginning to think that everyone’s will be kinda different based on their water source. Try putting it in the fridge for a day or so if you have any problems with the glycerin not setting!
karmin says
It worked amazingly i actually did put it in the fridge great minds think alike lol!! Thanks for sharing 🙂
brittaney says
What can you do to add diffrent scents? Maybe using yardley bar
soap or what about oils?
Vanessa Brady says
I’m not a soapmaker but those both sound like lovely options!
missy says
can I use oil of olay bar soap
Gili says
Hello! I’m crazy for this kind of thing, but lately I’ve been having problems with separation. Have you run into this? Also, can you explain how the glycerin thickens the product, as this has not seemed to work in my soaps.
Vanessa Brady says
Hmm, I didn’t have a problem with separation but you could always try blending it a bit and then popping it in the fridge to help the glycerin thicken. Hope that helps!
Leslie says
I love Dr. Bronner’s soaps! I’ve just purchased a bottle of the liquid baby mild to make some face wash. Can you think of a way that I could use the liquid soap in this recipe? I’d LOVE to try this out but I would also like to try and use what I have. Thanks!
Vanessa Brady says
I’m not 100% sure but I think I read on someone’s blog that you can just dilute the liquid Dr. Bronner’s soap 1 part soap/3 parts water. Definitely test it before you waste a whole bottle though!
Danijela says
Wow, I love this. Thanks.
Vanessa Brady says
Thanks, Danijela!
ClaireD says
Any storage tips? How long will it keep?
Vanessa Brady says
I don’t know exactly but glycerine has a long shelf life so as long as the extra is stored in a dark space, at least 6 months?
Cassie says
I followed directions and it came out almost as a solid…it’s not even pourable..what do I do?
donna says
add a little more water and use an electric beater or whisk to whip it up smooth. Only add a little at a time and make sure it’s hot water. You can always add more water til it gets the consistency you like.
donna says
I made this using Kirk’s Castile, water,glycerin, and sunflower oil. I now have plenty of body wash that moisturizes as well. It lathers nicely, and a little goes a long way. I have friends asking if they can have some, Yep. Very willing to share my 50 something ounces of body wash! The total cost: somewhere around $4.00.
Melissa says
Can you tell me the amounts you used
Pamela Babcock says
I have this question, too. How much sunflower oil did you add?
Kara says
I tried this yesterday and I’m happy with results :). I put it in fridge overnight and it was a large gelatin mass this morning. I used my hand mixer to break it up and it slowly turned it a more “snotty” consistency. Tried it in shower this morning and it seems good :). I think the only thing I’d change is to add some essential oils, as there’s not much scent to it. FYI, I bought my glyclerin on Amazon, after having no success finding it at pharmacies. I used lavender castile soap bar. Thank you! This was fun!
Artiesa says
Just wondering where in the pharmacy you looked? I found my glycerin by the bandaids
Vanessa Brady says
I actually had to ask for mine behind the counter.
tami says
after looking on line, to make sure there weren’t different types, I bought mine for half the price at walmart, It was like $3. something,, in the first aid section
Christina says
I was wondering if you can use other bar soaps w this recipe?
Case says
Is this a 4oz bar of soap?
Celeste says
Dr. Bronner’s is great, I mix just a little with olive oil and caster oil to make a wonderful face cleanser for my dry skin.
Erin Fuhr says
I was wondering if this could be made using any kind of bar soap?. I have Olive Oil bar soap and it’s organic/natural and I thought it might work…thoughts?
Dani says
I think this is a wonderful beginning! Adding my own scents (if desired, that is) helps me a lot since I have Leukemia and have to be very careful about what I put on my skin, since anything put on skin winds up in the blood stream. Thanks for the article. The only thing I would do different is to use a recycled plastic bottle in the actual shower, just in case it gets dropped. Refilling that from the mason jars is a good idea. If you vacuum seal the mason jars (just google “vac seal Mason jars” and you will find lots of videos on the subject) and you will lengthen the shelf life to about 9 months, if not more, depending on the additives or fragrances you added. The sealing draws most of the oxygen out, keeping bacteria at bay. Also, try looking up “Crock Pot Soap” and if you can be brave/industrious enough to do that, you will not have to buy any soap to make this with. Then apply this article’s method to make it into liquid body wash and you have further reduced the cost per oz. 🙂 Thanks again for a great article! Now my daughter will be happy in the shower, as well since she prefers the liquid wash to the solid bars. 🙂
Raluca says
I’m from Europe, ROMANIA and we don’t really have castille soap here… Could you tell me what else shoudl I use? Can I add some essential oils?
kd says
can you order over the internet into Romania?…that would be a good way to get hold of it. But I imagine any castile soap would work. Shes just using dr bonners
darlene maitland says
question….why do you have to add soap. isn’t there a all natural. my skin and hair are so sensative, due to fibromyalsia. I wash my hair with baking soda, rinse, apple cider vinegar, rinse, homemake rosemary water. my hair is very long past my hips. It took a long time to get my hair virgin again but now I would never wash any other way again. I love my hair again! after I wash my body with baking soda. any ideas to add would be great. just a natural 54 yr. old hippy.
April says
Castille soap is all natural. It is a vegetable oil soap. The sodium hydroxide that is used to make the bars solid is sourced from halophite plants.
Rhonda says
Does it matter what type of glycerin is used? I used now vegetable glycerine and mine is also watery and clearish.
Lynn says
Do you use a 4 OZ bar of soap or a 8 OZ bar?
Chelsea says
I just made this yesterday and it worked great. I used Dr. Brommer’s almond soap and vegetable glycerin that I bought at Natural Grocers. It makes A TON. I filled an old shampoo bottle plus another large tupperware. After making it, I let it sit overnight. When I checked it in the morning, it looked watery with a large white-ish mass of soap. I gave the bottle a good shake and the consistency is perfect. It didn’t lather up as much as a typical store bought brand, but it does the job and smells nice. Next time I think I’ll try a different scented soap or add an essential oil for added scent! thanks for the recipe and instructions =)
Mary says
I’m in Australia and have made this with velvet soap. It appears that you can use any soap that is pure soap. I used the glycerin just from the supermarket shelf. Glycerin only makes it smooth, the pure soap on it’s own gels quite nicely. If it is too runny then put it back on the stove and add more grated soap, if it’s too thick then add more hot water and stir/beat it in thoroughly.
Vanessa Brady says
Thanks for all the good info!
Kathleen says
I tried making this soap yesterday. I followed the directions completely. It’s been sitting now for 24 hrs and I went to check on it and the soap has separated again. Any thoughts as to why this happened?
Anita says
We just made homemade detergent this weekend, so this might end up on the to do list.
Vanessa Brady says
Ooo, I’ve been wanting to try out homemade detergent but I’m worried it’ll be too harsh on our cloth diapers. Definitely will try once Max is potty trained!
Mamaofbabes says
I use cloth nappies {down in NZ} and make my own washing powder using half baking soda/half dense soda ash {its a form of washing soda}. I have a big steel washing powder container so its about 10 cups of each, alternated, then a scoop in the wash. Never had any probs with buildup or anything on my nappies, probably bc theres no soap. Might be worth a try 🙂
Thanks for this recipe. I make all our soap but my babes love body wash so this is perfect!
Judy says
Homemade Liquid Laundry Detergent: Dissolve into hot water, 3 Tbs. 20-Mule Team Borax and 3 Tbs. Arm & Hammer Washing Soda. Let it cool and add 2 Tbs. Dawn Dishwashing Detergent and enough water to make 1/2 gallon. Use about 1/2 cup per load of laundry.
Works great for me…low suds. Also, adding vinegar (1/2 – 1 cup) to the rinse cycle is always a good thing to do for people with delicate skin.
Samantha says
I really want to make this but I am allergic to glycerin. I have to be really careful to buy products without it. Is there a substitute for it?
Gail says
You do not have to use glycerin in it. You can use less water or add more soap to make it thicker. Also, I have read some recipes where they add 1 tsp of vitamin E oil. There are a few recipes online for body wash/ liquid soap. Some recipes add other oils.
As far as I’ve read, Castille soap is just soap made with olive oil. However, you can make this recipe using other soaps.. Also, you can use all kinds of wonderful essential oil scents, even combining scents.
I tried a similar recipe, unfortunately, mine is about as thin as water. After reading online about this, I’m wondering if the problem with the soap not thickening after 24 hours might be because of my soap choice, Kirk’s castile soap, or because of the glycerin that I found near the band aids at the pharmacy. I cannot blame the thin soap on the water I used in the recipe, because I only used 6 cups. Thank you for the tip about refrigerating this overnight to make thicker, I’ll have to try that.
Thanks for all of the tips & ideas! 🙂
tami says
I am about to try this. I have read up on the gylcerin, and the only it sounds like the stuff you can buy (in stores) is all the same except, whether it matters to you if it is all veg or if made from animals. I am wondering if some is turning out thin because of the size of the bar. I picked up a small bar that is half the size of Dr Bonner’s. So I will be reducing the amount of water. Online it says Dr Bonner’s is 5 oz. Well guess I will go give it a try
Sarah says
I know this reply is late, but it may help others who (like me) are new to the soap-making process.
I used Kirk’s to make my liquid soap as well. I made a batch of liquid soap on Friday afternoon. Two days later it was the consistency of liquid honey (but looked like runny snot, LOL). However, by Monday, it was thick, almost the consistency of jelly. The recipe I found had stated to let the liquid soap set up for 8 hours before using it in the recipe, but it seems as if it took a few days for it to set up appropriately.
Megan says
I am new to the bodywash making and just had a few questions. Could I put this in the fridge before the 24 hr period to help it set or do I need to wait the full 24 hrs covered sitting out? After the 24 hr period if its still runny do I put more glycerin in it and then put it in the fridge or just sit it in the fridge without adding any?
Vanessa Brady says
I would let it sit outside of the fridge for the full 24 hours and then if it’s still runny, put it in the fridge. If it’s STILL runny, heat it up again with a little more glycerin and repeat the process. Good luck!
Paulette McHugh says
Hi, I was wondering what your recipe is for the baby wipes? My grand daughter get a rash from those other wipes they sell. We rinse them before we use them to avoid all those chemicals. Any help would be appreciated, thanks in advance.
Vanessa Brady says
We just put a few squeezes of the boys’ body/hair wash (Honest Co.) in a squeeze bottle and fill the rest with water. Super easy to just squirt on reusable wipes and go!
Kim Roman says
Hi Vanessa!
Put your Bonner’s in those little drink drop containers (like Mio) and this will help with those who use too much. : ) I found this out when I broke my hand and couldn’t hold the big bottle. BTW if you transfer your Bonner’s into a smaller container, you can even buy the gallon size for about $60 and save yourself some $$$.
Kim Roman says
OOPS, make that $32 for a gallon jug of Bonner’s on Amazon.
Vanessa Brady says
Such a good idea!
Valerie says
Hi. This was my first attempt at making homemade body soap. I followed the directions, using a 4 oz bar of soap. After 24 hours of sitting out, it was still very, very runny, so I put it into the fridge for 24 hours. After that 24 hours, it completely separated with the soap in this gelatinous mass on the bottom and water on the top. No amount of stirring could mix it back together. So my husband decided to heat it up just enough to get it not-separated. It’s been sitting out for 24 hours, and is back to its original runny, basically water consistency. I am at a loss for what to do next. Any suggestions?
Vanessa Brady says
Ok, here are some things that have worked for others: 1. You could reconstitute it with a little bit more glycerine. Just don’t go overboard or you’ll have jello soap! 2. Try using a hand blender if you put it back in the fridge and it separates again. Hope one of these helps!
Valerie says
Do I need to heat it slightly before adding more glycerin?
Vanessa Brady says
Yes, heat everything back up again before you add the glycerin.
Erin says
Do you use a special kettle just for this recipe? Not sure if the scent of the soap would transfer to the pot and then maybe it can’t be used for cooking anymore?
Vanessa Brady says
I didn’t have any issues with the soap not washing out but if you’re worried, you can always use a thrifted pot. Good luck!
Erin says
Thanks! Just wanted to let you know I made the body wash and it turned out exactly as you said! I followed your recipe exactly. After reading some of the other comments I was nervous because even after 12 hours of sitting covered, it was still very liquid and yellowish. But when I woke up this morning (right around the 24-hour mark), it was white and silky smooth. Awesome!
Erin says
Do you know if this body wash will stay good indefinitely? Just curious, because I think it will take us quite a while to get through all 3 quarts! 🙂
Vanessa Brady says
We’ve been going through our 3 qts for 6 months now without any problems. There’s some slight separation with the last quart that a little shaking took care of. I’m so glad to hear it worked out for you!
Haydee says
I very excitedly tried this and I love having a natural and frugal body wash…However it turned out jelly like even tough I did not use extra glycerin….maybe my soap had more than enough already? I have been using it this way in the shower but it keeps slipping off of my loofa because of the jelly like consistency. I don’t mind the small struggle but I feel its wasteful…is there a way to fix my jelly-like body wash…maybe by heating it up again and adding water? or should I leave it be and adjust for my next batch? Thank you
Vanessa Brady says
Try adding small amounts of hot water with a hand blender. Hope it helps!
Robbin says
Could I use liquid Castile soap, glycerin and essential oil??
Emily says
I tried and loved this (though my husband isn’t super thrilled with the snot-like consistency) and just wanted to note that I didn’t leave mine out for 24 hours. I left mine for about 4-6 hours and couldn’t understand the reasoning behind leaving it out so bottled it then. It thickened up in the bottle within an hour. I’m assuming this had something to do with mixing it all up in the process of bottling. In any case, it worked for me!
(though I may try the 24 hour thing with a hand blender next time as the slippery consistency is resulting in a lot of wastage)
Kalin Aasen says
Can this be poured into jars to cool?
Vanessa Brady says
I’m sure that would be fine. The only issue I foresee would be if the soap doesn’t set and you have to add a little bit more glycerine. You’d have to pour out all the soap into a pot to re-heat it up.
Jordan says
Hi, i was wondering if the almond scent is still detectable after it’s been diluted? i just LOVE the smell of almond butter and was hoping to find a recipe that used the almond castile soap. Do you find this soap hydrates, and is it antibacterial in any sense? ( i once had a body wash the said on the label it contained no soap of any sort, how scary is that!?) hope to hear back soon so i can make a batch of this! 🙂
Laura Moench says
I was wondering why it needs to set for 24 hours and if I could just pour it into mason jars and let it set that way.
Kathy says
if you use liquid castile soap, what would the measurements be? tks.
Jordan says
Update, I have made a batch of this and it is WONDERFUL! I did add 2 tsp of pure almond extract to bump up the smell. I was worried it wasn’t setting up so I let it sit for over 24 hrs. I also gave the pot a swirl(big mistake, it caused the soup to solidify in s ring, which looked strange. I whisked it all together and left it a bit longer, and it was fine)
one issue I had was putting it into the jars. I had the bright idea to get the canning funnels and to pour it, and 1L worth wound up on the FLOOR! Won’t be doing that again! Lol!
Thanks for sharing this recipe. I am hoping my boyfriend likes it and starts using it also. 🙂
DIY Simple says
This body wash tutorial is fantastic. We featured it on our blog with a small thumbnail and link back to your website. Would it be ok to feature your posts again in the same way from time to time?
DIY Simple team
Samantha S says
I made this without the glycerin and it came out slimy like snot. Does the glycerin prevent this from happening?
Vanessa Brady says
Sorry, Samantha, as I mentioned in the post, the texture is pretty snotty.
Michelle says
I made this according to directions using “kirk’s” Castile soap. It does not suds up like I expected it would. I’m thinking about putting it back into the pan, re-heating, and then add about a tablespoon of castor oil to it. Castor oil works great for suds when I make my bar soap. What do y’all think?
Michelle White says
Would be nice if someone that drummed up this recipe would reply back. We have something rather useless until we remedy the peoblem with this snotty body wash. Thank you!
Vanessa Brady says
Hi Michelle, I’m sorry you didn’t like the snotty texture!
Dominique says
Mine came out like snot as well..any tips anyone? I dont want it to go to waste, what can I add to make it better?
Michelle white says
Wait, I don’t mind the snotty texture. If you would address the original question I asked to begin with. I’m talking about the lack of suds. Would my recommendation to that problem work? Thank you.
Vanessa Brady says
Sorry, Michelle, it’s been my experience that Castile soap on the whole doesn’t suds up as much as you might be use to. Let us know if the castor oil works!
judith says
If using kirks soap, should be 1 or 2 bars?
Lissa says
Try salt to thicken the watery soap mixture. I use sea salt. Add a small amount to start and mix in until dissolved.
Lissa says
OOoooh I love castor oil! Use it all the time. Let us know if it improves the suds Michelle. I make many homemade cleaning products with castille soap, and it’s true that it does not produce suds like store bought products. I read an explanation for this that stated that it’s not the suds that clean it’s the ingredients. I happen to agree after making and using many different soap recipes, but the lack of bubbles definitely takes some getting used to.
Lissa says
To clarify my sea salt post, salt will not thicken the mixture immediately may still take 24 hours to see complete results. I added 1 tbsp of sea salt to the body wash recipe as it was cooling to thicken it up a bit more. Salt removes water so end result is thicker but quantity is less.
tami says
well I made it. It’s only been an hour and it is starting to get a milky look to it. I hoping that that is a good sign. I didn’t have anything to scent it with,but I did have some Dr Bonner’s peppermint. I know that it can be a little stingy but I just put a squirt in the finished product,so hopefully that will be okay. Also I guess I didn’t totally catch the part about the 24 hrs. I just took it that it took that long to set up, so I poured it hot into jars.
Juli says
I’ve searched high and low for the answer to this question, but why grated bar soap instead of liquid Dr. Bronner’s? I thought they were the same-ish, but what’s the difference? Thanks. =)
Gennel says
I’m crossing my fingers my body wash thickens up????
I used 6 Dove bars , 6 cups of water and 1tbsp glycerin
But I heated up the water, added the soap and glycerin at the same time…we shall see
Andin says
Let’s fix the snotty texture. Reduce the water into 7-8 cups only, then add 1 cup of any light oil. If you already had a gallon of snotty liquid soap in hand, don’t throw it away. Grate one more bar (around 4oz), reboil it, and add 2 cups of light oil. The end texture will be creamy and lathering, and lasts longer given the preservative contained in the soap isn’t dilluted into too much of water
Dale says
After it is removed from the frig – does it thin again or stay thick?
Dale says
Good advice. Does the extra cup of light oil separate from the water? I grated a bar of my own homemade soap and cooked it, added some salt. It looked like cottage cheese so I blended and added more distilled water. I let it sit and the creamy soap is floating above the water. Do you think I added to much water? I superfat the bars so I do not think I would add anymore free oil. Thanks!
Andin says
Ups, yes that’s too much water. Need to grate another bar. Water & soap don’t mix, nor water & oil. But when all of them are combined together, they blend in. This thing is like cooking, i honestly don’t use any measurement anymore. Just using my feeling. My suggestion is add another bar (small one), cook it again. Oh and, adding 1 tsp of sugar will also increase lather
dusty says
mine turned out well enough, except it doesn’t suds up well or stay sudsy long. is it normal to use a lot more of this soap than store bought soap?
Vanessa Brady says
It definitely won’t suds up as much as other store bought body wash but don’t worry, you’re still getting clean!
Diane says
Please – substitutes for glycerine. Also, can oils or other things be added for dry skin … how much exactly? Thank you!
angiephils says
Hi,i cant wait to try this.but instead of using castor oil can i use olive oil?thanks.
angiephils says
so sorry i mean can i use any order type of soap in replace of castor soap.
Cass says
When I make this, I use a little more vegetable glycerin (I grated it from a solid bar, it’s cheaper) and lavender and eucalyptus essence, it makes the house smell nice 🙂 i think it’s important to note that if you’re vegan to make sure that the glycerin in vegetable since it could be used from animal lard. (ew).
Christine says
What’s the deal with the silicon gasket?
Vanessa Brady says
I made it to use with a straw for other mason jars but it also worked as a spout for the soap.
Kayla says
Hello, I made this yesterday and it was supposed to be done earlier today. It wasn’t setting so I out it in the fridge, but it’s still liquid. What do you reccomend? Also, how many ounces is the bar of soap supposed to be? Thank you, Kayla.
lauren says
had the same experience! very disappointing 🙁
Vanessa Brady says
Sorry about that!
taira says
So I Made another batCh of this recipe but I’ve Only Ever use bt bronners bars. This time I used a natural oatmeal ginger bar, made it exactly as I had b4. When I checked it its a pot of hard soap! I can squish my finger into it, but it is NOT a liquid… Any ideas how to fix it?
bzyb says
I just tried this for the first time using some of my own homemade castile soap, looking good so far .. thanks for posting!
Stephanie says
Can you use the liquid Dr. Bronner’s castile soap instead of the bar soap?
Tiffany says
Awesome. Unfortunately I accidentally used 2oz rather than 2T of glycerin – stupid tiny little measuring cup ???? – and it’s quite thick and gelatinous today. Perhaps I can heat up and add more water? Super easy recipe and will definitely make again. Thanks!
Vanessa Brady says
Oh no! I would definitely try to heat it up.
Libby says
How would I make this with liquid Castile soap?
Lisa says
Can u add essential oils to this?
Heather says
Hi! Does the body wash get sudsy and bubbly when you use it?
Vanessa Brady says
It gets slightly sudsy but definitely not as much as commercial products.
Kristin says
I just made this according to the recipe, and 24 hrs later it’s still super super liquidy. Like, cloudy water.
Has anyone else had this experience?
natalie says
Dr. Woods liquid soap is a lot like Dr. Bronners…slightly thinner, but 1/3 of the price and can be purchased at It comes in all the same scents too. I agree Bronners is a bit pricey.
Natasha Dahms says
I just used my hand blender and once it set gave it a blast and it’s super smooth.
Robin says
Instead of Dr Bronners bar soap, can Dr Bronners pure Castile liquid soap be used?
Gail Graham says
Can I use liquid castile soap ?
Vita` says
I’ve never worked with glycerin before, and was surprised that it took so long to set up! When it DID set up, of course, I couldn’t get it into my pump bottles without blending it, though. That was a bit of a mess, but it poured easily through a funnel into my bottles after that. Not sure how it will change again from here or whether it will pump or not, but I’ll find out soon!
Two questions: 1) would less glycerin make it less gel-like? and 2) would reheating accomplish the same end as blending the set-up soap? And 2.5) would it pump, I wonder, in that gel form?
Thanks for the recipe!
Leann says
Didn’t work too good for me. I have to use a A LOT to wash up. I also added vitamin E oil and a little shea butter. The shea butter helped thicken it a little but it was pretty runny. It didn’t feel too nourishing. I think this would be excellent as a hand soap.
Ruth says
I have tried this twice and both times ended up with a very gelatinous consistency. The first time I used glycerine soap we had bought in bulk as some family members were making scented, coloured bars they sold at a homeschoolers craft fair. I added glycerine as well.
Since the family had plans to make more bars of glycerine soap I bought soap granules which I weighed and used to make the second batch of body wash. I added glycerine, thinking that since the granules are pure soap that this would be needed. It took longer to firm up but the next day when I took it out of the fridge I was disappointed that this second batch was almost as gooey as the first.
Any thoughts?
susan says
I have a bunch of glycerin soaps that the color is fading can I use them instead of the Castile soap and how much soap goes into the body wash thanks
Gabriela says
This recipe is AWESOME! I found it a few days ago, got the ingredients. Then I read the comments & worried a little it might not work out for me. Decided to go for it anyway. I’m so glad I did! It worked excactly like it was supposed to. I used soft water from the bathroom instead of he hard water from the kitchen sink. It was liquid the first day, but the next morning was the milky white color, & the consistency is perfect. It smells amazing just with the almond soap so I didn’t add any essential oil. Tired it in then sink & it lathers up enough to make me happy! Try it!!
I wonder about adding some oil to make it a little more moisturizing? Anyone know if this would mess up the recipe?
Delisa says
Made this and it came out perfect! Thank you for this! I’m never making body wash again. I’m on my journey to diy creations.
Vanessa Brady says
So glad to hear!
Erin says
Has anyone tried making this with Young Living bar soap and Essential Oils?
Cliff says
Hi Vanessa,
I just wanted to tell you that I love this body wash. I have VERY sensitive skin, and have tried every body wash on the market for sensitive skin … and they all make me itch and break out in hives. I stumbled across your page the other day, and thought … I should give this a try. What have I got to lose, right?
I live in a small town, so I had to order the ingredients online, and also ordered three, 32oz plastic dispenser bottles to put it in (pretty ones, in cobalt blue with both squeeze dispenser lids as well as pumps!)
So… the ingredients arrived, and I excitedly shredded my soap. I actually bought 4oz bars of Kirk’s unscented castile soap, since I’m sensitive to perfumes. I adjusted the amount of water down to accommodate the smaller bar of soap, and used a touch less glycerin. Once everything was mixed, I put a lid on the pan and sat it aside for 24 hours. Much to my disappointment, after 24 hours, I found myself with what visually appeared to be nothing more than a pan of water. No milkiness, no bubbles, no nothing. I had what you might call a “grumpy face.”
Then I remembered reading that several people encountered the same problem, and you’d suggested placing it in the refrigerator … so that’s what I did. Overnight.
Yeah. And the next morning I had a milky, slimy, solid chunk of … something really disgusting in my pan. I made another grumpy face.
Then I remembered someone mentioning something about using their hand mixer to break up their slimy chunk, so I thought … I wonder how my blender would work. Bwah-ha-ha.
I cut my big slimy chunk into smaller slimy chunks, and slid them into my blender (which was really gross) and then hit the button.
Oh… my… goodness. Eureka!
The result was a light, frothy, rich and creamy, milk-white liquid that was absolutely lovely. It actually reminded me of a thick vanilla milkshake, and I came really close to licking my fingers a couple times as I was slowly pouring it into my beautiful cobalt blue dispenser bottles (available on Amazon, 3 for $15.69.) Of course, I couldn’t wait to take a shower and try it out, so I quickly ran outside and furiously planted a flat of purple petunias in my yard … just so I could get dirty.
The body wash is WONDERFUL. It’s thick and creamy, and lathers just enough so that it feels like I’m actually scrub-a-dub-dubbing with commercial “sudsy” soap (we’re so programmed to respond to bubbles). It washed away nicely, and afterwards my skin felt soft, smooth and clean. It was very nice. No grumpy face to be seen anywhere.
It’s too early to tell how my skin will like it over time (I’m so sensitive!), but so far … I love it.
Thank you for sharing your recipe. I don’t normally follow blogs, but I’ve bookmarked yours … because you got rid of my itchy skin (and my grumpy face.)
Right on, girl!
Vanessa Brady says
This may be my most favorite comment ever! Thanks so much for the update.
Allison says
i usually make this and put it in a foam pump this way i don’t use as much. My body always feels the difference than regular soap.
Briana says
Does the soap loose shelf life by adding water? I read something of the sort on the Bronners website. Is that what the glycerin is for?
Sarah Boyer says
This looks amazing!!