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Comments & Reviews
Ellen T says
just put together a few of these for some teacher gifts
Vanessa Brady says
Wow, that was quick!
Denise says
Hi I just printed this template but it is black and white! It appears in color on the screen. Did anyone else have this problem?
Vanessa Brady says
Hmm, I just retested and it printed in color. Have you checked your printer settings?
Tami says
What size are you printing these at? 4 to a page?
Vanessa Brady says
They print out at 3.75″x5.25″ I also updated the files to include cutting guide lines and a file with four to the page. Hope that helps!
Tami says
Thank you so much I love this idea!
tisa@justmylittlemess says
this is sooooo super cute!!!!
Vanessa Brady says
Thanks, Tisa! I’m all about easy and practical gifts this year.
Arissa says
Love this idea! And I am a huge fan of eos lip balm and was thinking to get them as a gift and this is just the perfect way to hand them out! I have a question, though… Should I just hit print or should I change the size of it? How big is the final rectangle after trimmed?
Thank you!!! Can’t wait to make them and hand them out!!!
Vanessa Brady says
I’ve updated the post to include crop marks and an option to print four to a page. Hope that helps!
Carolyn (Cypress, CA) says
This is SOOOO cute! My girls will definitely be making these for gifts to their friends this Christmas. Thank you for sharing your crafty mind with us less creative!!
Vanessa Brady says
So glad you could put it to good use!
SpinaMomma says
Where were you able to find the red chap stick??
Vanessa Brady says
You can find it at a ton of stores like Target or Walgreens. Here’s also a link to purchase it on Amazon (affiliate):
EOS Lip Balm .25 oz (7g) SUMMER FRUIT (Evolution of smooth)
Jennifer says
It is downloading to a 81/2×11 size and it looks smaller when in your tutorial. Is there a way to get the download with several on a page?
Vanessa Brady says
I updated the post to include crop marks and a 4 to a page option. 🙂
Jennifer says
Thank you! These will make great gifts for the people I work with.
Vanessa Brady says
So glad you like them!
emmaonafarm says
I loVE these my daughter is doing it for her friends x
Vanessa Brady says
So glad it’s useful!
Anne-Mary says
This is so cute! Thank you! What size is it supposed to be? My computer wants to print it on a full 81/2 by 11 sheet of paper. That seems a little big to me.
Vanessa Brady says
It should print to be 3.75×5.25. Maybe try changing your printer setting to Actual Size? Let me know if it continues to be a problem.
Connie says
I printed mine on card stock and then just stuck the lip gloss on top of the red circle. Looks very cute!
Thanks for the CUTE idea.
Vanessa Brady says
So glad you enjoyed the printable!
Allison says
I am sorry to ask such an idiotic question, but how do I shrink it to the correct size?
Vanessa Brady says
It should be 3.75×5.25. Let me know if you have any other issues.
kim ann says
What size do you print it at? The template did a full page?
Vanessa Brady says
The print should be 3.75×5.25. I’ve updated the file to include crop marks. Hope that helps!
Nicole says
This is amazing!! Thank you!!
Tiffany says
This is just what I was looking for! Lots of special people I want to bless, but hard to find things to get excited about under $5. Thank you for keeping it free!
Vanessa Brady says
My pleasure! It’s the season of giving after all, right? 🙂
Alison says
Is it possible to get the printable without the picture? I’d like to change the language to French for my son’s teachers.
Alison says
My comment should also say, “Thank You! This is a wonderful idea!” (CRAZY SMARTPHONE!)
Carrie says
These are adorable! What kind of cellophane bag did you use?
Ashleigh says
I love this idea! I’m on a budget this year, with a new little one. Doing three items goodie bags. This is perfect for 12 females in my family. They all love eos, this makes it fun and cute. Thank you for sharing.
Tina says
Totally cute idea! Thank you for sharing it. Can you tell me what type/size bag you used…it looks like it’s a perfect fit for the printout. Thank You.
Tina says
Also, what kind of glue did you use? I’d like to know the answer to Sherry’s question too…sorry…just want to have all my supplies together before I start this adorable project. Thank you so much.
Sherry says
So I am a bit confused do you cut through the foam core too or is that what holds the lip gloss in.. I can’t get in my mind what the back should look like.
Kathie says
This is great; thank you!
Dawn says
Love this! Can you make a snowman… We can use the Orange eos! ????
Erin T says
Wondering if I can purchase (since it’s such a great idea) a ‘Happy Holidays’ version from you…I’m a manager and want to give this out to my employees but cannot use ‘Christmas’ unfortunately. It’s a Holiday Party 🙁
Thanks sooooo much!!!
Tammy says
My EOS are not fitting after I cut out the circle. Anyone else having this problem?
Vanessa Brady says
Try cutting the circle a little larger. It should be a pretty tight fit!
Lee ann says
I can’t get the image to download
Vanessa Brady says
Is the link not working or the actual download?
patty gray says
yes it says invalid value for registry
denise says
what about a red bath bomb as a nose? might try it for sons teachers
Vanessa Brady says
Such a cute idea!
Michelle says
Is it possible for you to post the reindeer picture without the words? I’d like to use this for my college student employees for an end of semester gift but I can’t give it out with “Merry Christmas.”
Vanessa Brady says
Just uploaded a blank version just for you (and your student employees)! 😉
Alison says
Thanks so much! This worked for my request too! Merry Christmas!
Tammy S says
Such a great and cute idea, but I cant seem to get the printable of 4 to work. Is the link not available anymore?
Vanessa Brady says
Hmm, the link should still work. It’s at the very bottom, under the single print.
Kristen says
Thank you so much! I’m just in love with this! Adorable 🙂
Vanessa Brady says
Thanks so much!
Patty Gray says
I cannot get this to download. It says file is empty. I know this is not true because I see all the other comments. Is there something I should do different?
Andrea says
Hey! I’m just wondering what type of plastic did you put yours in and if i can buy them somewhere? maybe you found it at your local dollar store? or did you cut and glue plastic to fit?
Vanessa Brady says
I used an extra plastic bag I had left over from packaging some baked goods for friends. I believe I got it in the bakery section of Michaels.
Janice Galarza says
I just did a few for my teenage daughter’s friends! Very creative!
Vanessa Brady says
What a great gift for teenagers! So glad they were useful!
Tricia J says
So cute … so easy … thanks for the free printable
lori says
love it!!! right now some of the walgreens have their own version of EOS and its a shiny red package….they had them in a big container by the front checkouts or by make-up counter
kelsey says
So cute! Thanks so much!!
Michelle says
This is fabulous! Costco has a 5-pack of EOS for $10.99. And I bought red metallic tissue paper to overwrap the other colors. So excited to give these to co-workers.
Shara says
Ulta has a 3 pack for $5.99 and bed bath and beyond has a tone and they will match the $5.99 price from ulta
Tricia says
Adorbs! But I have a request..can you do one with the Merry Christmas there but remove the From and the line on the bottom next to the From, for me <3 ? I am asking since I want to print these and leave the EOS in the package since I don't really know all the girls I am giving them to and don't want to give them an open lip balm, you know? So I tried printing and I am able to leave it in the EOS package but I have to cut thenose way bigger which is fine, but due to the packaging it needs to be v shaped cut in the center middle bottom (if that makes sense?) and the line and From get messed up. The Lip balm plastic is not really perfectly round and has a little plastic square at the base for the lip balm to stand that is getting in the way when I slip the printable over the lip balm plastic. I hope this is clear I can take a pic…By the way they are on sale at CVS for $2/6.00 this week! =) Hope that helps someone.
Tracey says
Super cute! I’m doing these for my nieces, my daughter’s friends and as a stocking stuffer for my daughter.
Dawn says
We just made these for my college age daughter to handout for their gift exchange, they even look cute with different colored noses! Would you consider making a snowman face version for the orange ones? 🙂 Thanks again and Merry Christmas!
Rowena Kent says
Hi, I’m in the UK and have struggled to get the lip balm you suggested so have bought some similar unfortunately the pots are a little larger and therefore do no justice to your lovely reindeer. Please could you make the image twice the size? So two images fit on a A4 sheet. Fabulous idea by the way. Yours hopefully R xx
Cody says
im having problems printing. the fonts arent carrying over and and the margins are all off. any suggestions <
emily n says
My font also printed differently. What is the name of the font? I can then download it. Thanks so much!
Vanessa Brady says
Oh no, I must have forgotten to flatten one of the files. Which one were you trying to print?
emily n says
Hi, I printed the “4 to a page Merry Christmas Rudolph” Super cute, and would love to do these for our kindergarten teacher. Thanks for your reply.
Diana says
THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH!! This was a perfect gift idea for my teenage Girl Scouts!!
Aimee Morton says
i cannot print these reindeer printables. it keeps giving me an error and says it needs to restart. 🙁
Becky Kankelfritz says
Thank you so much! My daughter has special needs and is blessed to have many wonderful teacher, therapists and helpers in her life. I always want to give them something at Christmas but it needs to be affordable as I have about 25 people to give to. Plus, they are the same people from year to year so I’m always looking for something new and creative! This will be a hit this year! Thank you so much!
Vanessa Brady says
Such a perfect gift for large amounts of people! So glad it was helpful!
Merry Gray says
Would it be possible to get this in a jpeg. I have Adobe but i want to put this on a zip drive to have them printed but it will not allow me….
Shannon says
So adorable!! Thank you so much. We just cleared the shelves of red EOS lip balm, and my daughters are giving these to all their friends this year. Thanks for sharing your talent!
Vanessa Brady says
So glad you found it useful!
Michelle says
Do you use regular printer paper? Or a heavier weight?
Vanessa Brady says
I just printed it on regular paper since I was going to paste to the foam core.
Sandy Danis says
Can you tell me what font you used? I think I need to download it as it’s not coming out correctly? I love this card! Thank you!
Vanessa Brady says
Oops, must have forgotten to flatten one. Which one were you trying to print?
Sue says
Fonts were wonky for me as well. Looks like the 4-up one is not flattened. Please let us know once it’s flattened so I can re-download. This is such a super cute idea and I can’t wait to hand these out to my kids teachers! Thank you so much for sharing and a very Merry Christmas to you and your family! 🙂
StephiD says
I found this off of the twopearefugee site! Thank you so much! Love your blog!
Vanessa Brady says
Awh, thanks so much for visiting!
Amanda says
Just printed a few for teachers! Our school collects $20 from each family and divides the total evenly among teachers in the form of gift cards, but I still love giving something personal. Thanks for putting this together!
Erin (@EMakingMemories) says
These are absolutely adorable. Just finished making them for my kid’s teachers. Thank you so much!!!
Sam Harrison says
This was an awesome idea. I just did them for teacher gifts!
Sherise says
What an awesome idea!! My daughter wants to give gifts to her friends and this is such a thoughtful and affordable way for her to share Christmas with them. Thank you for sharing your talent – it is very much appreciated!! Wishing you the Merriest Christmas!!
Tricia says
I cut the nose hole just a little larger, didn’t use the foam core and left the balms in the packaging since I made over a dozen of these to give away and I didn’t know some of the recipients well. Worked great just taped the printable onto the lip balm package! Thanks again!!
Drew says
This is awesome. Thanks for sharing your talents.
Gail says
LOVE the idea!! My printer doesn’t print color, but I used your printout for a template. It worked great!!! Giving them to all the gals I know!
Tisha says
What am I printing to?
A card or regular print paper?
Vanessa Brady says
I used cardstock
renee says
Love this idea… Used it for several people this Christmas…. I was wonder (because I am not talented enough) if maybe you would do a cute clown face with an eos as the nose that said happy birthday…. Then I could pull these out and look thoughtful anytime
Vanessa Brady says
Great minds, Renee! I’m already working on more printables for birthdays, Spring, and more!
Linda Fricka says
Could you design an Easter bunny face so you could pastel lip balm? It would be a hit for Easter.
Joy says
THANK YOU!!! Can’t wait to give these to the kids teachers this year. Sooo cute and affordable 🙂
Terria says
Just did four of these for coworkers. This awesome!!!
Joni says
Could you tell me what the font is that you used. I am wanting to add my daughter’s name on it. Thanks, Joni
Manuela says
This is great idea! Thank you so so much! 🙂 I apsolutely adore it!
Rachael Albertson says
Such a cute idea! How did you get the eos to stay in the hole of the reindeer nose??
Jackie says
I am using an Apple computer and want to print on a 4×6 card stock paper. The alignment is totally off…Does anyone know how to fix the alignment?
Vanessa Brady says
Hmm, I haven’t heard of that issue before. If you’d like, I could send the file directly through email and see if that works.
lilly says
Thanks , thats a lovely and caring gift for preteens .
Martie says
Great tutorial! I’m printing for teachers! Thanks so very much, I think this is a huge hit. 🙂
Kelsey Hiebert says
Thanks so much for this great idea!!! I love it!!!
Vanessa Brady says
So glad you like it!
Betsy says
Love this! I used this last year for daycare gifts and am using it for a gift this year too! My only suggestion would be to make the nose white so it doesn’t use up so much ink to print! Thank you!
Also my alignment was off so the tops of the first 2 and the bottoms of the bottom 2 were cut off, but I just scaled it down a little so they fit!
Vanessa Brady says
Thanks for the suggestions!
Kristin says
Just used this printable to make Christmas gifts for my son’s teachers. They turned out so cute and the teachers loved them as well. Thank you and Merry Christmas!
Vanessa Brady says
So glad it was helpful!
Keitha says
Thank you so much for sharing this! I am giving them to the teacher’s on my team at school.
Jen says
I am trying to print this, but the font is not translating. What font did you use? I am assuming I need to download the font. Thanks!
Shaunda says
I used this printable for my 1st & 2nd grader’s class Christmas favors. I put the foam reindeer noses with them. So very cute! thank you!
Dorothy says
Love the card….Would it be possible for you to put my name on the card, I will gladly pay.
The name is DOROTHY LITTLEPAGE Thanks and have a great day!